Welcome to Estes ProActive Fitness
Operational Hours: 4am to 11pm
​Supervision Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6 pm
Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday : 8:30am - 12pm
Sunday : Unstaffed
All about MedX machines
Arthur Jones is the legendary founder of Nautilus. In 1986, he founded MedX to perfect the testing of human strength, endurance and range of motion. MedX Machines have helped tens of thousands of people around the world reduce or eliminate pain.
MedX is set apart from other strength training equipment by the fact that it has low friction, small weight increments, short weight strokes and proper strength curves.
MedX has between 0 and 5% friction in it while traditional equipment has up to 30%. What that means to you is, if you had 100 pounds on a machine with 2% friction, you would be pushing 102 pounds during the positive phase of the movement and resisting 98 pounds during the negative phase. This is a four pound difference between the positive and negative phases.
On traditional equipment, with 30% friction, that 100 pounds turns into you having to push 130 pounds during the positive phase and resisting 70 pounds during the negative phase. That’s a difference of 60 pounds! With that kind of difference, your muscles have ample opportunity to recover during the negative phase, which means that you will be unable to effectively fatigue the muscles and subsequently will not get the most benefit from your workout. The amount of friction plays a vital role in the process of improving your strength and changing the shape of your body.
MedX allows you to increase or decrease the weight being used by 2 pounds, whereas traditional equipment only allows five to ten pound increments. Why this is important is based on two fundamental premises: 1) it is critical to fatigue the muscles within one to three minutes or four to eight repetitions, and 2) as a person gets stronger, the weights need to be increased to work the muscles more deeply each time. This is where the problem of large weight increments comes in.
If you increase the weight too much, by five pounds or more, the muscle may fatigue sooner than the required one minute or four repetitions. Conversely, if you don’t add enough weight, because the increment is too large forcing you to keep it the same weight as the time before, you may perform too many repetitions and be on the machine longer than the three minute optimum time frame. That is why the small weight increment of two pounds that MedX offers is the most beneficial for effectively working your muscles.
MedX is the only equipment company with a short one foot weight stroke. Most companies’ weight stroke is two or more feet. What that means is that the weight stack movement of only one foot on a full-range repetition is safer and smoother than the competition with a longer weight stroke. Another reason the shorter weight stroke is important is that if you have 120 pounds on the one foot weight stroke machine, then that means you are moving 120 pounds.
On the other hand, if you have 120 pounds on a two foot weight stroke machine, then you are really lifting about 240 pounds depending on the machine. That also means that if you increase the weight by two pounds on a one foot machine, you really are increasing it by two pounds, whereas on a two foot machine you are raising it by five pounds which equates to a 10 pound increase.
For all of these reasons, MedX is simply the best, most effective strength training equipment on the market today.